Deciphering Primary Keys: A Dive into Integer IDs Versus UUIDs

Nino Arsov
4 min readOct 24, 2023


In the nuanced realm of database architecture, the choice of a primary key is not just a decision but a pivotal strategy that can significantly influence various factors including performance, storage efficiency, and scalability. The debate between using UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) and traditional integer IDs is more than just academic; it’s a real-world conundrum that professionals grapple with regularly. While UUIDs have emerged as a favorite in scenarios demanding high uniqueness, especially in distributed systems, they are not without their drawbacks. Let’s embark on a detailed exploration of why integer IDs, despite being traditional, often emerge as the more practical choice, especially when operations such as database merging and optimization of indexing are in play.

Dissecting UUIDs: Uniqueness Versus Performance

UUIDs, typically a 128-bit number represented by a 36 character string, are renowned for their near certainty of uniqueness without a central authority. This characteristic makes them indispensable in distributed systems where entities are created in different places and times yet need unique identification. For instance, if you’re designing a system that synchronizes data between devices without a central server, UUIDs are ideal.

However, the cost of this uniqueness is randomness and verbosity. The large size of UUIDs, compared to integers, results in higher storage overhead, not only within the table itself but also in indexes. This overhead is amplified in large-scale systems. For example, an e-commerce platform with a database storing billions of records, each identified by a UUID, will require significantly more storage space than one using integer IDs.

Moreover, the random allocation of UUIDs leads to “index churn” in databases. Because database indexes are organized in a tree structure (B-tree), adding random UUIDs forces the database to constantly reorganize this tree, increasing write latency and affecting overall performance. For a real-time system, like high-frequency trading platforms, this latency can culminate in tangible setbacks.

Championing Integer IDs: The Efficiency of Sequentiality

Integer IDs, often implemented as auto-incrementing primary keys in databases, are sequential by nature. This sequence plays harmoniously with the inherent structure of database storage and indexing. Most RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems) like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle are optimized for ascending integer sequences, allowing for faster insert operations and more efficient use of indexes and memory.

Consider a social media platform, where millions of posts are created daily. Using an auto-incremented integer ID ensures that new records follow a predictable, sequential order, making write operations faster and more importantly, read operations, like retrieving user posts, more efficient due to the sequential read capability from storage.

Merging Databases: A Test of Flexibility

Merging databases is a complex, often delicate operation. When integrating two user databases from different services or merging sharded databases after horizontal scaling, primary key overlap is a notorious challenge. With UUIDs, their randomness does not inherently prevent key overlap, and their lack of sequence makes a streamlined merging process difficult.

Conversely, with integer IDs, one can utilize strategies like key offsetting (adding the maximum ID from one database to the IDs of another) or key re-mapping for a conflict-free merge. For instance, during a merger of two banking systems, each having their user databases, using integer IDs with a planned offset can seamlessly create a unified user database without the risk of overlapping primary keys.

Sequencing: The Hidden Powerhouse

Database engines provide sequencing features for creating primary keys, optimizing the storage and retrieval of records. Sequences or auto-incremented integers ensure each new record holds a unique identifier, promoting an orderly, predictable pattern. This predictability is vital for optimizing database caches and enhancing the performance of read replicas, as seen in systems needing high read throughput like online reservation systems.

Natural Primary Keys: A Business Risk

Natural primary keys, despite seeming logically apt, carry business and technical risks. A customer’s email address might appear to be a good natural key, but if the customer needs to change their email, it results in a cumbersome update that also affects related foreign key columns and can potentially disrupt referential integrity. This scenario is commonly faced in systems like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) where user details, prone to change, cannot be reliably immutable.

The Crucial Role in Join Operations

UUIDs significantly affect merge join operations, particularly when there are indices on foreign key columns. In OLAP systems (Online Analytical Processing), where complex analytical queries are common, the performance hit is even more pronounced. The database engine struggles to efficiently locate the matching records due to the disordered nature of UUIDs, resulting in increased CPU time and memory usage.

Conversely, the predictability of integer IDs and their sequential nature allow for “index runs” in database engines, a more efficient method of traversing B-trees, leading to faster join operations. For a business intelligence application processing vast amounts of data, this efficiency can mean the difference between real-time and delayed decision-making.


UUIDs, while uniquely advantageous in distributed systems, bring challenges in storage, performance, and practical operations like database merging. Integer IDs, with their sequential order, play to the strengths of database engines, promoting storage efficiency, faster read/write operations, and simpler management, especially in the face of complex tasks like merging databases. As we navigate the intricate choices in database design, understanding the implications of primary key design is more than a necessity; it’s the foundation upon which efficient, reliable systems are built.



Nino Arsov

Nino Arsov holds an MSc degree in machine learning and statistical learning theory. He combines research experience from world-class universities with industry